Saturday 28 January 2012

The Degree of Happiness

        The Degree of Happiness written  by Betrand Russell was very linguistic and honestly hard to understand. In this article he said that the happiness can divided into two sorts; one sort is open to any human being (animal,spiritual,people), and the other was one sort to those who can read or write. It's mean that everyone have a right to happy and enjoy the happiness that they get in their life. Even they are not brilliant like a scientist, engineers, even they cannot talk,write or walk. The happiness is for all. Everyone get their happiness in different ways and in different situation. And maybe the happiness that they get was giving the other people feel weird and cannot be acceptable, but it was given it that way. They does no right to object it. 
      In this article the author give a view about the bursting man who could neither read or write but he got vote for parliament. Because of the ways and based on his physical vigor, a sufficiency of work he got the place and the changes. Maybe the other people think and judge it weird and not make sense but that was his way and opportunity rich his happiness.
      For the second view from Betrand Russell in this article was about the men of science. He told that everyone around of the men of science said that his life was emotional, bored and unhappy. From the men of science himself ho not thought and think like that. In their life when they reach the answers and finding from their research, it was a really are happiness fro them. the finding that useful to the public even thought the public not realize it. 
     Everyone reach their happiness in different way. I need read this article for twice time and after that yes I'm already catch it. It make me realize. In whatever position and condition you are, you have a right to achieve your happiness in your life. That what I'm understand from this article. Thank you..

 the article was from this book.


  1. after all it's about achieving happiness regardless of the education background :)

  2. in the end,human will experience different kind of happiness based on how they they feel and treasure it. cheers:)
