Saturday 21 April 2012

Why Women Living Longer than Men

        the fact from the researcher, women live 4 years longer than men where the average years for men is 637 years and 678 years for women. there are lots of factor why women can live longer than men. 
        firstly they are not in the hardship and stress on their working lives. this is because a men is work in the air-conditioner and seat in-front of the laptop a whole day. not moving and only a little walk if the office is small. while women is doing house-shore such as cooking, tidy up house, laundry and many more. they are make a lot of moving and walk. it will make them sweat and all part of the body moving. this is an exercise for them and they do not need to go jogging or gym. it is enough for them on doing the housework for keep their body healthy. 
            next, the women develop healthier habits than men-for example, not smoking and drinking and good choosing a better diet and food for their body. women most typical and very care about their body size and weight. in this case some of them will less the quantity of food that they eat and not eat a food that have a lot of fat and oil. these particular people will eat more vegetables and fruit and doing an exercise regularly. but must remember even you are in diet, do not skip your meal!! breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. it just that less the quantity of the food that you take.                            

      story from girl,,,, i'm bella..21years old. i want to have a thin and good posture of my body. my friend said that i'm not too fat and i don't need to diet. my body was suit me. but i'm not trust it and i'm obviously and really want to make my body thin and ideal. i go on with my diet. i'm only eat an apple everyday and juice. i'm not taking at all the other meal.                
 i'm doing it for almost 1 month. one of my friends said even you are in diet you should not skip your should eat something to make a calories  in my body burn?? i don't trust at her. no!!! i don't want to listen to what you said. after a month my body is still same and also the weight. i don't know why. after that i faint and my mom brought me to see the doctor. the doctor knows everything after my mom tell him. and the doctor said even in diet i should not skip my meal. meal must be taken but in small amount. eat an apple cannot make me loss my weight. i'm so regret.

           besides that the thing that women do to keep them healthy is not being in a stress situation and avoid from depression. they handle their stress by not staying in a stress and crowded situation. go to the peaceful place and go get the nature.         
the greenness of the nature will make them calm and can relaxing their mind. in this situation they can think wise and make decision peacefully.   

        women are doing everything to keep them healthy and live longer. the men should do so. go get some  exercise and doing outdoor activity to make all part of the body moving. keep mind in peaceful and avoiding from stress and depression. 

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