Saturday 21 April 2012

Why Women Living Longer than Men

        the fact from the researcher, women live 4 years longer than men where the average years for men is 637 years and 678 years for women. there are lots of factor why women can live longer than men. 
        firstly they are not in the hardship and stress on their working lives. this is because a men is work in the air-conditioner and seat in-front of the laptop a whole day. not moving and only a little walk if the office is small. while women is doing house-shore such as cooking, tidy up house, laundry and many more. they are make a lot of moving and walk. it will make them sweat and all part of the body moving. this is an exercise for them and they do not need to go jogging or gym. it is enough for them on doing the housework for keep their body healthy. 
            next, the women develop healthier habits than men-for example, not smoking and drinking and good choosing a better diet and food for their body. women most typical and very care about their body size and weight. in this case some of them will less the quantity of food that they eat and not eat a food that have a lot of fat and oil. these particular people will eat more vegetables and fruit and doing an exercise regularly. but must remember even you are in diet, do not skip your meal!! breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. it just that less the quantity of the food that you take.                            

      story from girl,,,, i'm bella..21years old. i want to have a thin and good posture of my body. my friend said that i'm not too fat and i don't need to diet. my body was suit me. but i'm not trust it and i'm obviously and really want to make my body thin and ideal. i go on with my diet. i'm only eat an apple everyday and juice. i'm not taking at all the other meal.                
 i'm doing it for almost 1 month. one of my friends said even you are in diet you should not skip your should eat something to make a calories  in my body burn?? i don't trust at her. no!!! i don't want to listen to what you said. after a month my body is still same and also the weight. i don't know why. after that i faint and my mom brought me to see the doctor. the doctor knows everything after my mom tell him. and the doctor said even in diet i should not skip my meal. meal must be taken but in small amount. eat an apple cannot make me loss my weight. i'm so regret.

           besides that the thing that women do to keep them healthy is not being in a stress situation and avoid from depression. they handle their stress by not staying in a stress and crowded situation. go to the peaceful place and go get the nature.         
the greenness of the nature will make them calm and can relaxing their mind. in this situation they can think wise and make decision peacefully.   

        women are doing everything to keep them healthy and live longer. the men should do so. go get some  exercise and doing outdoor activity to make all part of the body moving. keep mind in peaceful and avoiding from stress and depression. 

Women's Equality

        As a women I am proud to be Malaysian. this is because women in Malaysia are treat equal with the men. Malaysia is harmony and peaceful country, always maintain and progressive in development and can stand strongly by its own feet like the other country. The women are treat equally and Malaysia not practice a discrimination towards women and also towards children and men.      in some country such as Afrika, Sri Lanka, India and Indonesia the discrimination always occur and the obvious victim is women. it is happen anywhere and they are treated badly. in Malaysia, the Government ratified the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against women where "... discrimination against women shall mean any distinction, exclusion or restriction mode on the basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing of nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women, irrespective of their marital status, on a basis of equality of men and women, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil, or any other field." (CEDAW, Article 1)
      pity towards those country who face the discrimination. the women are push to become prostitute, servant and also a slavery to the other people. being abuse and labor are also happen towards them. 

    The women in Malaysia should be thankful because they born as a Malaysian, who has right, freedom in politic, economic, social and cultural. if they become a victim in violent or abuse there are a law can fight for them and there are a Ministry of National Unity and Social Development they can refer to. they can fight for their right. 
    In Malaysia, the women also can take place in politic and become a leader. in economic sector, women are more active than men. "the largest growth in women's participation has been more increase year to year. women have a right to work in any sectors of they want. in the private sectors, women continue to collect lower wages than the male colleagues.

    Women are treat equally in Malaysia. doesn't care about their race, political view, belief and region. they will threaten equally and no discrimination are allowed to them.                   


Thursday 19 April 2012

Short Term Memory

Short-term memory refers to memories which last for a few minutes. Unlike sensory memory, which is stored in the exact form it was experienced, short-term memory has received some processing; thus, "A" is stored not as a visual stimulus, but as an abstract concept of the letter "A". Short-term memory is of limited capacity, usually 5-9 items ("7-plus-or-minus-two"). Beyond this capacity, new information can "bump" out other items from short-term memory. This is one form of forgetting. Objects in short-term memory can be of indefinite complexity: thus short-term memory can hold several numbers, or several words, or several complex concepts simultaneously. Thus, while an individual may only be able to remember seven random digits, it may be possible to remember more digits if they are "chunked" into meaningful objects: thus, "1776-2001-1941" represents twelve separate digits -- well beyond most people's capacity -- but only three easily-remembered chunks.     
Items can be maintained indefinitely in short-term memory by rehearsal: e.g. by repeating the information over and over again. An example would be a seven-digit phone number, which is maintained in short-term memory by repetition until the number is dialed, and then fades from short-term memory once the conversation starts. Repetition may also increase the probability that items in short-term memory will enter permanent storage in long-term memory.
Intermediate-term or working memory is sometimes considered a synonym for short-term memory. However, memory researchers often consider this a specialized term referring for information about the current task. Thus, even though a specific phone number may occupy short-term memory, working memory contains the information that lets you remember that you are in the process of phoning the gas company to complain about a recent billing error.

Repeat to Remember

The human brain can only hold about seven pieces of information for less than 30 seconds! Which means, your brain can only handle a 7-digit phone number. If you want to extend the 30 seconds to a few minutes or even an hour or two, you will need to consistently re-expose yourself to the information. Memories are so volatile that you have to repeat to remember. But there are certain people keep remembering what they want to do. When they talk or said even one word they already forgotten what they want to do. 

Nowadays not only old-folks have a problem with their memory, "called as  amnesia" but  also an adult and teenagers.A certain people who cares about this problem they are take an action by get a medicine for short term memory and a treatment by the doctor.     
to keep our memory in good condition, it is better for us give some rest for our brain and not force our brain when we can't. this aspect will lead to the short term memory problem. 

All of the Daily Activity are Related to Brain

Scientists have long sought to understand the biological basis of thought. In the second century A.D., physician and philosopher Claudius Galen held that the brain was a gland that secreted fluids to the body via the nerves—a view that went unchallenged for centuries. In the late 1800s clinical researchers tied specific brain areas to dedicated functions by correlating anatomical abnormalities in the brain after death with behavioral or cognitive impairments. French surgeon Pierre Paul Broca, for example, found that a region on the brain’s left side controls speech. In the first half of the 20th century, neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield mapped the brain’s functions by electrically stimulating different places in conscious patients during neurosurgery, triggering vivid memories, localized body sensations, or movement of an arm or toe.    
In recent years new noninvasive ways of viewing the human brain in action have helped neuroscientists trace the anatomy of thought and behavior. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, for instance, researchers can see which areas of the brain “light up” when people perform simple movements such as lifting a finger or more complex mental leaps such as recognizing someone or making a moral judgment.      These images reveal not only how the brain is divided functionally but also how the different areas work together while people go about their daily activities. Some investigators are using the technology in an attempt to detect lies and even to predict what kinds of items people will buy; others are seeking to understand the brain alterations that occur in disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, autism and dementia.

     In this article, it is argue the Thinking Folly article author statement that people not really use their brain in certain thing they do. most of all thing in life are directly to brain and brain are use to make the thing that people want to do function. only a thing that make a different is     reasonable and unreasonable doing. even a thing that the people want to do is stupid they still need brain to make it function and work. Through out away a brain is like the people are an animal. Instinct animal also need a brain to make a decision and do their daily life activity.  

Tuesday 10 April 2012

What Is Love? is not only a word. love not only needs a man a women. love not only a says. LOVE is everything and involve in all aspects.

people easily to say the word of LOVE. but is it they know the meaning behind it and what would be happen after they said that word? for the certain people the LOVE is very important and a give for them and the meaning of LOVE and how to to explain and tell it, it is very hard because it cannot simply elaborate and define it in words or thing. it is very critical thinking when someone are in love and they want to express the feeling and let the other people know.    
the people who says the love like a moon see a star..Love you like a song baby.  for me the person who said such of this words is not really know what is love and what meaning of it.
the people who really in love he or she can become a philosophizer even they are do not at all about the study on literature.
the words and definition of love that will come out from this kind of people are: 

  1. Love is a force of nature. However much we may want to, we can not command, demand, or disappear love, any more than we can command the moon and the stars and the wind and the rain to come and go according to our whims. We may have some limited ability to change the weather, but we do so at the risk of upsetting an ecological balance we don't fully understand. Similarly, we can stage a seduction or mount a courtship, but the result is more likely to be infatuation, or two illusions dancing together, than love.
  2. Love is inherently free. It cannot be bought, sold, or traded. You cannot make someone love you, nor can you prevent it, for any amount of money. Love cannot be imprisoned nor can it be legislated. Love is not a substance, not a commodity, nor even a marketable power source. Love has no territory, no borders, no quantifiable mass or energy output.
  3. One can buy loyalty, companionship, attention, perhaps even compassion, but love itself cannot be bought. An orgasm can be bought, but love cannot. It comes, or not, by grace, of its own will and in its own timing, subject to no human's planning.
  4. Love cannot be turned on as a reward. It cannot be turned off as a punishment. Only something else pretending to be love can be used as a lure, as a hook, for bait and switch, imitated, insinuated, but the real deal can never be delivered if it doesn't spring freely from the heart.
  5. Love cares what becomes of you because love knows that we are all interconnected. Love is inherently compassionate and empathic. Love knows that the "other" is also oneself. This is the true nature of love and love itself can not be manipulated or restrained. Love honors the sovereignty of each soul. Love is its own law.       
this is the ways people who really get in LOVE with someone..Hard to Understand LOVE?? Yes.. I'm also hard to understand it until now.. :D